How stale is Top16/64/200/500 of Gwent Pro Ladder?
Gwent | Revisiting Masters 3 results in search of how many players retains Top16/64/200/500. Competitive and offseason comparison.
Gwent | Revisiting Masters 3 results in search of how many players retains Top16/64/200/500. Competitive and offseason comparison.
Gwent | Three pro tips which would make your deckbuilding life easier: nullifying provision system, using power vs provision curve and top-down build
A look into the simplest Bo3 conquest problems. No game theory, no complex formulas, no coinflip, but still a strict math analysis. Spreadsheet included.
Investigating the dynamics of ELO system with Markov Chains and simplest queueing assumptions. Estimated number of games to reach given rating and many more.
Gwent | How to break the meta? The answer is simple: ask TailBot and he won’t tell you.
Gwent | Best factional scores in just finished 12th season of Gwent Masters 3 – Season of the Wild Hunt. Top5 tables.