Gwent Math & Probability 5: The Basics Of Thinning
Gwent | Fifth part of Gwent Math & Probability cycle. Investigating thinning mechanics. How thinning improves the chance of finding cards? How to assess thinning value?
Gwent | Fifth part of Gwent Math & Probability cycle. Investigating thinning mechanics. How thinning improves the chance of finding cards? How to assess thinning value?
Gwent | Best faction scores (fMMR) in just finished 1st season of Gwent Masters 4 – Season of the Wolf. Top5 tables fMMR/fLEI.
Gwent | A closer look into Sigvald – a self-wound archetype Skellige card reworked in patch 10.2. Evaluation of its power and synergies.
Gwent | lerio2 (Team Legacy) personal recap of Gwent Masters 4 Season of the Wolf (1). Decks used, climbing history, thoughts and memories.
Gwent | Nilfgaardian Empire is by far the most popular faction in Gwent according to statistics, but its winrates are seldom outstanding. Rumors are they use some kind camuflage and illusions…
Gwent | Improving the recipe for factional Ladder Efficiency Index, or better said, fLEI. Relating fLEI to LEI. New, intuitive interpretation.