From October 2023, Gwent: The Witcher Card Game has turned into Gwentfinity mode. New cards are no longer released and meta shifts happen through Balance Council and influence of creative players who still find yet unexplored possiblities and optimize underrated archetypes. Read more on Balance Council Advice page.
- No new cards
- No new effects/reworks. No adjustments to existing effects.
- Power and Provision +1/-1 => 4 brackets with 10 changes each month.
- Still a lot of fun and new decks emerging every season!
Gwent Meta Snapshots And Data
At the moment of this article update (2025 February) , there is no quality Gwent Meta Snapshots available, like TLG Gwent Meta Reports (last May 2022), Aretuza Snapshots (last August 2021) or TEB Meta Snapshots (last December 2023) used to be in the past.
Also there are no deck trackers which would measure performance of particular decks. Only general data on faction winrates is accessible on GwentData website. To have a glance at relative factions power on GwentData in Gwentfinity:
- At the start of the season the stats would come from players who remained on Pro Ladder (Top500). Top100 would simply be players who play most. Very often these players are a bit worse than average. Top500 should give an okay picture overall.
- Later in the season use Top100 sample, max Top500. The tail are non-competitive players and measured stats would involve not only competitive ladder meta, but more meme decks like Mill, Tibor Spam etc. Especially NG winrate suffers from this effect in samples like Top2500.
- Use Mirror Corrected graphs – difference to normal graphs is not big, but still popular factions would look a bit better.
- Don’t treat stats as an absolute truth on factions strength – popular ladder decks do not always equal best decks
- Check out the % scale – in a balanced game state the difference in winrate between Top1 and Top2 faction can be up to about 3% in Top100/Top500 and it doesn’t mean the given faction is broken.
Deck Sources
- Tournaments
- Gwent Community Masters are a natual successor to official Gwent Esports and aim at keeping the best of competitive Gwent experience. Join Community Masters Discord to get more info and access tourament lineups from current Gwent top right when released!
- Chinese Gwent Masters in 2025 are open for everyone and based on weekly tournaments with a rating which gives access to major events. For more details check out CN Tournaments Discord.
- For other tournaments, keep in touch with the community and check out my repository of tournament decksheets (2024 archive).
2. Streamers
- Check out Gwent streams on Twitch. Some high MMR competitive players who streams (update February 2025):
- myamon369 (JP)
- pajabol
- shinmiri2
- lerio2
- kerpeten96
- dauren
- t_imagawa
- rosmarinuss
- liu_m (CN, bilibili)
- nik__r (RU)
- Chosen streamers decksheets worth a look in February 2025 (not only them ofc)
- Shinmiri2 – the decks higher in the spreadsheet are generally stronger and more trusty.
- Kerpeten – top quality choice of decks whenever updated
- Pajabol – decks played on stream by one of all time best players
- MetallicDanny – ultimate sheet, which also includes snapshot and all-time decks for each leader.
- Kareem’s Cookbook – juicy decks from competitive player
- Dauren – variety of decks from strong player and creative deckbuilder
- my decks – right now its a mix of more and less serious stuff
- Check out Gwent streams on Twitch. Some high MMR competitive players who streams (update February 2025):
3. VOD content
- I learned by myself that the most popular Gwent creators on YT are not necessarily the best to follow by a beginner player who wants to win more games with competitive, well-versed decks. Even if they are big names in the game / community, better check out their current performance via in-game profile. As a beginner you can’t really judge by yourself which deck is serious and which meme or unoptimized. If you could easily ask a player with good scores in the current season on that matter – do it.

- By the scope of content posted as for Feb 2025 I can recommend:
- kungfoorabbit – on top of spicy decks, Community Masters 2024 and other tournaments vods are often published there
- shinmiri – Pro Ladder gameplay footage from streams in an educational style.
- kerpeten – as of Feb 2025 you could find there few guides for optimized decks with impressive scores
- dauren – mix of more and less serious decks from one of top ladder players in 2024 (RU)
- pajabol – deck guides with pro level gameplay
- lerio – mostly my author decks, usually good off-meta builds, sometimes memes, sometimes new meta
- Decks rated highest usually come from content creators who promote them on Twitch, Youtube or other social media.
- Sometimes a player from the shadows does so well with a homebrew deck that they publish a guide. That’s where we can find real gems, but it is very rare. Last one I remember was with Kordi Shieldwall Nekker; it is almost 1y old at the moment I write this guide. Look how well documented deck performance is in the guide, with a long match record. That’s what a surprisingly successful player enthusiastic about own build would do.
- Opposite of such gems are players who flood the library with guides, mixing Gwent and poetry, often with catchy titles and sometimes with long deck descriptions.
- As a rule of thumb usually top positions in ‘Trending Decks’ are solid ones, provided by popular content creators. Then they are followed by less solid and catchy popular creators decks. The upvote tail are decks from less popular content creators and independent players, some of whom share decks as a habit.
- ‘New Arrivals’ tab is the least useful, usually simply decks from creators who upload most.
- ‘Top Decks’ are not really ‘top’ when it comes to power, but they are mainly best received decks from top popular content creators in the past. In general people must have achieved decent results with most of those at the time. Even if outdated, they may be a good guideline of what’s underrated and worth more attention in the temporary meta.
5. Other sources
- Check out Gwent Leader Abilities cycle on leriohub. Each leader ability is accompanied by demo decks. While not updated and focused on showcasing leader abilities rather than maximizing winrate, these decks are a good source of inspiration.
- In the absence of quality Meta Snapshots it is easier to find a good deck than to evaluate its relative power. Therefore it is always useful to keep in touch with the community. If you are Polish Gwent player I can recommend Gwint Pro Polska server on Discord.