
I used to pioneer Gwent stats articles based on public profile and Gwent Masters Website data. As GwentData is good enough source of most essential information right now, I don’t publish written stats summaries anymore.

I still collect data and from time to time perform various complex and unusual analyses. If there is something you would like to see, let me know!

LEI (Ladder Efficiency Index)

LEI is an unofficial measure of MMR climbing efficiency on Gwent Pro Ladder. I introduced it first in Gwent Players Scores and Efficiency Index (LEI) article on Team Legacy website. It is now commonly used among competitive community and got adapted by popular tools like GwentData or TLG Discord Bot.

All-time National Statistics

How did Gwent popularity evolve worldwide? What was the percentage of players from different countries on Pro Ladder season by season from Open Beta? I gathered all data available on Gwent Masters Website to answer those questions. Some discoveries were made, especially China % of players evolution was spectacular and had rich underlying explanations => Nations of Gwent #3: All-Time Popularity Analysis

Please let me know if you’d like to see a chart for your country.

Jam Speed

How long does it take for you to play a single game of Gwent? How fast are your favourite players, best competitors as well as recognised Twitch streamers? Well, I’didn’t follow each game of each player with a timer, but results proven to be credible => Who’s the Fastest Jammer in Gwent West? (follow-up for some popular english streamers on Twitter)

Pro Ladder Expansion

During Masters 3 season there was common complaint on Gwent Pro Ladder expanding too much during season. Around this time also mysterious ‘legacyprepkekw’ Gwent account appeared. Given both of these, there concluded a study on how exactly Pro Ladder expands in time throughout the season => Gwent for Geeks: How Pro Ladder expands?


Mostly outdated:

Gwent for Geeks: Nations of Gwent vol. 2

Gwent for Geeks: Nations of Gwent

Stats in Gwent: Overview and Ideas

Stats Summaries:

Masters 3 Season of the Bear

Masters 3 Season of the Love

Masters 3 Season of the Wolf

Masters 2 Season of the Wild Hunt

Masters 2 Season of the Mahakam

Masters 2 Season of the Cat

Masters 2 Season of the Dryad

Masters 2 Season of the Draconid

Masters 2 Season of the Griffin

Gwent for Geeks: Unofficial Faction Stats (Masters 2 Season of the Magic)

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