Gwentfinity – State Of The Game And Balance Council Voting
Gwent | My view on the current state of Gwent before the first Gwentfinity patch. Balance Council Voting tool – main features. My approach, votes and thoughts on Gwentfinity balance.
Gwent | My view on the current state of Gwent before the first Gwentfinity patch. Balance Council Voting tool – main features. My approach, votes and thoughts on Gwentfinity balance.
Gwent | A review of Patch 11.9 for Gwent: The Witcher Card Game – September 2023. Avalanche of reworks. Constructs, Witchers, Regis:Bloodlust, Ale of Ancestors… Card-by-card review, overview and thoughts.
Gwent | Lara Dorren new Monsters card reveal for Heritage card drop (Gwent 11.9). White Frost and Swarm support. Tatterwing synergy. Detailed card description, non-obvious features and evaluation. Thanks to Gwent: The Witcher Card Game devs from CDProjekt Red for the reveal opportunity!
Gwent | Celebrating my best ever Gwent placements: 10.087 in 100 games on Top4 factions. Decks used for climbing Pro Ladder. General impressions of August Season so far.
Gwent | A review of Patch 11.8 for Gwent: The Witcher Card Game – August 2023. Demavend and Pirates nerfs, Iris von Everec Rework. Card-by-card review, overview and thoughts.
Gwent | Personal summary of July Season 2023 (Gwent 11.7; The Tide Rises Expansion). Top2 position; 10.581 MMR at the moment of writing. Decks choice with a short guide: SY Acherontia, SK Greatswords, MO Carapace Relicts, NG Enslave 6. Thoughts on meta, balance and ladder experience.