Gwent Patch 11.9 – Reworks, Rock & Roll – Analysis And Review


Gwent Patch 11.9 introduces MASSIVE reworks of multiple cards (almost 40!), mostly neutrals. Most of these reworks is supposed to be meaningful, offering good point potential and strong, original effects. Regis: Bloodlust becomes 20 power unit with 10 provision cost but serious drawbacks… Ale of Ancestors gains Resilience and Infusion effects. Constructs got reworked to form a small package with internal synergy… Deckbuilders paradise now! Meta shake-up incoming!

On top of Patch 11.9 we have the last card drop before Gwentfinity – the Heritage Expansion. Due to ladder tryhard I had no time to analyze expansion cards and they wouldn’t be included in this article. I recommend you to look at the Reddit megathread if searching for more info and opinions on the expansion cards. Also you could read my reveal article on Lara Dorren.


Card by card breakdown has been done in a structured google doc. That’s the main, analytical body of the article – about 20 pages with each change commented.

Gwent 11.9 Patch Changes Card By Card Doc


  • What I like?

Reworks are meaningful and inviting for creative deckbuilding and the number of changes is huge. The percentage of dull reworks is low, ceiling of most cards is promising. 

Special plus for removing the annoying part of Vilgefortz ability. Now getting out opponent’s win condition unit at random is no longer possible and Nilfgaard mirrors with Jan Calveit become less awkward.

Temple of Melitele got tooltip to show the picked cards for the opponent. Requested by pro players since Temple release, here it is! Finally could play around random Defender, Philippa: Blind Fury etc.

  • What I dislike?

The sword of destiny has two edges, one is abusive cards, the other is balance. At the end of the season I predict ‘wow’ to change into ‘reee’, when a couple of best abuse decks reside on the top of the meta. Still, I’m ready to pay this fresh air tax and hopefully next patches would even the field out.

Reaver Scout nerf to 6 cost seems like a overreacted change to me and I was the guy who made meta GN Zeal Royal Guards last season. Mutagenerator is the problem which has to be addressed, not the Reaver Scout. To express it pictorially, Muta effectively makes an extra card of carryover every 2 turns.

Beast package (Werewolfs, Adda:Striga, Alpha Werewolf) just goes tall and brings little real value, unless I missed some key abuse.

Nivellen restriction to opponent’s units only is a bit too bound to me.  I’d like to see at least the old move 3 adjacent units effect for allies.

Marlene de Trastamara actually seen some play last season in the Shieldwall Metabreaker. I think the new effect is a step in wrong direction and old ability with a slight buff would bring more to the game.

Ixora and Open, Sesame! are not addressed. Ixora needs a bit higher Vice in my opinion, and Open, Sesame! maybe different distribution between instant profit and carryover (6+3 rather than 5+4, Pajabol’s idea). 

  • Cards After Reworks Rating

Gamechangers | Ale of Ancestors, Regis: Bloodlust, Plague Maiden

Strong cards | Temerian Infantry, Hvitr and Aelydia, Eskel: Pathfinder

Potential to unleash | Ivo of Belhaven, Inspirational Ballad, Oxenfurt Scholar

Good Archetype Support | Vrihedd Saboteur, Armorer’s Workshop (in ST Dwarves)

Decent | Constructs Package, Mourntart, Udalryk An Brokvar

Out Of Place | Beast MO Package (Werewolfs, Adda:Striga, Alpha Werewolf), Mutant Killer, Ban Ard Tutor, Dimun Pirate Captain (just too weak), Marlene de Trastamara

(only chosen cards; for detailed evaluation I refer you once again to Gwent 11.9 Patch Changes Card By Card Doc)


I haven’t been so excited for a new season since a very long time, perhaps ever! That’s mostly not even because of Heritage expansion, but extensive reworks to old cards in Gwent Patch 11.9.

See you on ladder!

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