In this article I’d review Gwent: The Witcher Card Game Community Patch November 2024 generated by democratic voting via Balance Council tool. I’d sketch the situation before the patch, analyze the changes one-by-one and then provide summary and a general review.
Check out the discussion of balance changes on Reddit and for the influencers suggestions before patch check out Vote Map by A_Reveur here.
It was the fourth council I collaborated with Shinmiri and we published our suggestions on Reddit. I also welcome you to check out ‘Balance Council‘ page on leriohub if you haven’t yet – there is a lot of practical information and my Council philosophy.
Before Patch
October season we witnessed the final of Gwent Community Masters. With the closure of the cycle, October season was fully uncompetitive on ladder and there is no sign of any real rivalry going back to ladder next months.
This time I wouldn’t share afterseason scores, mainly because I forgot to take psc. I played many decks, some of them meme-tier, so fMMRs would be deceiving anyway. 95% of my games were on stream and you can find decks used and the highlights on my youtube.

Apparently Syndicate was the best perfoming faction in Top100 whenever picked for Top4, but frankly I barely met any at 2500+ fMMR. High winrate may stem from negative selection – weak players not choosing this faction for Top4 or just not managing to bring it to Top4 relative to other factions.
What I’ve met mostly on 2500+ ladder last days was Patricidal Fury and Blaze of Glory Warriors. Also Devotion Gift and Nilfgaard Shupe / Soldiers / Enslave were quite popular.

Stats between Top2500 and Top100 differ mostly for MO and SY relative place. Popular Monsters decks (Fruits Midrange, Renfri Koshchey…) have good pointslam and are relatively easy to play, but lack competitive cutting edge. Syndicate has by far the lowest winrate when not Top4 and its playrate is at usual ~8% level (for a comparison, “broken” SY from August Season had 54.85% wr in Top2500, but still only 9% playrate).
Balance Council Results
Nerf Brackets
(++) Change I like a lot
(+) Change I like
(/) Okay
(-) Change I slightly dislike
(- -) Change I dislike a lot
-1 Power Decreased
Tyr: Slayer of Yngvar (9 -> 8)
(/) Power nerfing first form Tyr does nothing to second form which is more troublesome. Now green punish Tyr would be weaker by -1 (which is also an indirect nerf Magic Compass), and Resilient Tyr would be possibly weaker by 2 points. This change does little to no harm in my opinion.
Svalblod (8 -> 7)
(++) Explanation
Kraken (4 -> 3)
(–) Our life is full of unnecessary obstacles. For example there are men and women toilets. Or Deathblow requires damage. This buff removes obstacles.
King Foltest (5 -> 4)
(++) Explanation
Living Armor (7 -> 6)
(++) Placeholder. Never worse than the worst picks in the power nerf bracket.
Master of Ceremonies (7 -> 6)
(+) Dedicated nerf to Cultists, which indeed need a bit tempering with Devotion decks getting into more meaning in Gwentfinity.
Assire var Anahid (6 -> 5)
(-) On one hand Assire played for carryover, possibly along with Locations or Golden Nekker after R1 won on even cards isn’t too healthy, on the other, weird as it may seem, Assire was still on the more skillful and less played NG side (Ivo and Soldiers used it amongst more popular decks, but they already get Slave Drivers +1 prov treatment). I wouldn’t go for this nerf yet in this patch given other NG nerfs.
Nauzicaa Sergeant (4 -> 3)
– “Dad, why are we nerfing Nauzicaa Sergeant?”
– “ Because your Grandfather did.”
– “Why did my Grandfather nerf Sergeant?”
– “Because 10 for 6.”
– “Is 10 for 6 a lot?”
– “Good question son, never thought about it.”
Eternal Eclipse Initiate (4 -> 3)
(++) Explanation
Celaeno Harpy (5 -> 4)
(-) Betsy + Harpy + Troubadour into Harpy replay was 7 + 5 + 5 + 9-1 = 25 points in 3 cards. Nothing broken (even underwhelming given that 3x “Fiend” is 24), but every next Harpy consuming Egg is 15 for 4. In a greedy sequence variant (where the opponent lacks 1 power removal for some reason): Betsy + Troubadour + Harpy, we get 7 + 5 + 9 + 15-1 = 35 in 3 cards; now that is really too much, but would never happen in practice.
I’m not a big fan of this nerf; the Harpy package is something relatively new, invited by Harpy Egg power buff. Could have been annoyingly efficient as pointslam, especially if missing answers, but now it would rather be dead, while original Deathwish with Succubi take an indirect hit. I’d rather like to see Mourntart provision nerf.
+1 Provision Increased
Renfri (14 -> 15)
(-) Just like in the September Season, I didn’t found Renfri that problematic. This season at around 2500 fMMR Renfri Nilfgaard was less popular than Soldiers, Shupe or Enslave in my experience. Renfri is a card with rich effect; potentially still new decks making use of particular Curses / Blessings can be built. Provision nerf discentivizes it and puts Renfri decks further below top meta.
Ard Feainn (11 -> 12)
(+) Ard Feainn comes from the deck, can be clicked ~12 times, bringing raw points (>10 usually) fueling status engines and improving topdecks. Probably the best card in Aristocrats who deserved a small nerf. While not that popular on ladder in my experience, they were staple of tournament play – most banned in both main Community Masters Finals and its Qualifier. Okay nerf.
Henry var Attre (11 -> 12)
(-) (rewritten from scratch)
Decks with Henry: Shupe Double Cross or Enslave 6 were amongst main Nilfgaard picks in the October Season 2024. The unpleasant part of those decks, especially Double Cross Shupe netdeck from Myamon (but also other decks with Abduction) is very high variance. Henry itself is RNG dependent, sometimes being worth best gold from opponent’s faction +4 (~20 points), other times a useless gold and no good fodder for opp hand is found (~10 points). Henry combined with Runemage and a small Assimilate package (to make use of opponent’s golds) is usually worth it by himself as a short round core card. To add to this there is lots of stuff depending on Henry rolls: Abduction, Double Cross leader ability (especially used for Braathens, but not only), Viper Witcher Mentor and Dead Man’s Tongue. Decent on average, these cards raise to very high value vs provision efficiency at times.
That’s the logic behind Henry nerf. Still in my personal ladder experience Henry decks weren’t that obnoxious to face and Jan Calveit (played in most Henry decks) was pretty much guaranteed to get a nerf. I like the decision making aspect of playing Henry and would prefer him to stay at 11 prov, but not the end of the world.
Jan Calveit (10 -> 11)
(+) I like provision nerf direction more than power because of the blue coin tempo issue. Good change to make if we want to nerf Shupe NG without touching Shupe/Radeyah. Enslave, Enemy Boost and some other NG decks would also suffer a bit, but maybe that’s just an invitation to try other consistency tools?
Covenant of Steel (9 -> 10)
(++) Covenant of Steel wasn’t as commonly abused as other Defenders, but still was met from time to time on ladder, especially in Armor abuse Pirates with Syanna – Operator – Heymaey Protectors – Tainted Ale. Covenant could be replayed many times in SK with Sigdrifa’s Rite, combined with Sukrus or used to protect Melusine. I find all of those cancerous and unnecessary for Gwent experience – a welcomed change, going in line with Gwentfinity Defender nerfs.
Frog Mating Season (7 -> 8)
(++) Explanation
Reaver Hunters (6 -> 7)
(/) Balancewise probably not deserved, but judging from Reddit, Reavers are ranked ladder and low pro menace, so maybe necessary. That being said, you won’t yet forget your old mates thanks to this nerf. Hunters would still be played even if very weak standalone, because most of the deck power comes from Mobilization and Idarran + Hunters synergy.
Highland Warlord (5 -> 6)
(++) Explanation
Slave Driver (5 -> 6)
(+) “Slave Driver is a card floating between 5 and 6 optimal provision cost. I don’t think SD is that much coupled with Nauzicaa Sergeant – for example Sergeant 3p and Driver 5c would never be optimal because of other decks which copy bronzes – Illusionists Bonded, Spotters, Double Madoc etc. Driver 6-cost and Sergeant 4-power seem optimal to me.”
Megascope (4 -> 5)
(+) Explanation
Buff Brackets
+1 Power Increased
Fulmar (6 -> 7)
(+) Generally I’m not a fan of power buffing strong threats, but this one is not that bad. Fulmar needs a bit more body, otherwise the tempo performance of this card is so bad it renders any reason to run it at all (win more in a long round, awkward in short). Alternative was to provision buff Fulmar and make him less commitial, which is maybe better, because Fulmar would never be great as a high-end card until unbalanced.
Lord Riptide (9 -> 10)
(–) Autoinclude in Monsters at 10 cost, trading up as a control tool and having a good pointslam otherwise. Voters correctly predicted the power nerf bracket would be harder to fill every next patch and came up with a solution.
Roach (3 -> 4)
(–) Fully justified revert, Roach needs to be a bit bigger than Geralt.
Serrit (6 -> 7)
(++) Explanation
Blue Stripes Commando (4 -> 5)
(++) Let’s see how BSC would feel now.
Temerian Drummer (4 -> 5)
(++) Needed for Boost NR to have any shot as a playable archetype.
Vrihedd Saboteur (3 -> 4)
(/) Outside Angus, Saboteur was an underwhelming card, same value and function as non-Devo ranged Oakcritters. But in Angus Elves, which is the main application, Saboteurs were already played and good enough.
Plumard (4 -> 5)
(++) Explanation
Watcher of the Valley (4 -> 5)
(++) Explanation
Beggar (3 -> 4)
(++) Exciting buff – may lead to bonded SY with Mushy Truffle and Caesar Bilzen.
-1 Provsion Decreased
Vilgefortz: Renegade (13 -> 12)
(++) Explanation
Ravanen Kimbolt (13 -> 12)
(+) Sure, Kimbolt sees no play but from the Temple of Melitele. Nevertheless I’m not a fan of ‘infinite’ golden threat card design (other members of the club: Tyr, Acherontia, Demavend), therefore i’m fine if Kimbolt isn’t a meta pick.
Morvudd (13 -> 12)
(–) “You can only buff one card, choose wisely” – said Genie.
“Hmmm…” – Monkey visibly struggled, Nauzicaa Sergeant and Slave Driver are at their high now, what to do, what to do? Genie smiled kindly, his face invited Monkey to answer. “What brings me joy and safety? What do I like about playing Gwent?” – Monkey asked self in thoughts. Suddenly Monkey’s eyes opened full circle and a comfy smile appeared: “Morvudd!”.
Sigi Reuven (11 -> 10)
(++) Very good buff – Syndicate lacks golden coin sources other than Novigrad.
Philippa: Blind Fury (11 -> 10)
(+) Philippa is a useful control card, unique in NR, possibly trading up in points against engines. It fits well in a deck which can support damage, especially Revenant builds, where both self and opponent’s ping opportunity may be created in one turn.
Savolla (9 -> 8)
(+) Out of the two suggestions of buffs to classical Tributes, I’d much more like Luiza to get through, as she is more interesting and even less played. Still an okay buff; Savolla has already seen play from time to time, but only as a way to guarantee KoB getting out.
Shaping Nature (8 -> 7)
(+) Explanation
Letho of Gulet (8 -> 7)
(++) Explanation
Whispess: Tribute (8 -> 7)
(-) Any reason other than symmetry to buff an already commonly played tutor, being a part of archetypes not necessarily loved in previous councils (Tatterwing, Sabbath)?
Anglerfish (5 -> 4)
(+) Completing the plan after power nerf in the previous patch. Anglerfish at zero cost would be a really strong thinning tool; less tempo abusive than in the past, but leaving more provision available to support various types of decks. Rage Of The Sea this way becomes more midrange leader, possibly hosting more decks running Magic Compass or needing consistency.
All the information about council results: changes by the order of votes, support by influence groups, number of changes per faction and attribution is accessible in the Balance Council Result sheet.
The distribution of buffs between factions is pretty even; each one gets something to play with.
Amongst nerfs on the other hand NG gets overnerfed as always (odd months = overnerf, even months = overbuff). Assire, Sergeant and Henry were three steps too far opinion. A blow to Cultists (which we contributed to with Shinmiri) is a different topic.
Both staples of high fMMR play: Devotion Gift and Warriors got one impactful nerf, but small compared to their omnipresence. Probably at least one more was necessary to diverse ladder meta, especially in the case of Gift
Balance Coalitions
For the first time all our recommendations with Shinmiri got through! (12/12). Thanks for your support! It probably stems from us picking popular options from the poll, but nevertheless it is quite surprising as we had 3 original picks in each nerf bracket.
MetallicDanny also had very high impact (11/12). Only Heymaey Protector power nerf didn’t go through (thankfully, because i love this card!).
Chinese Coalition this time suggested only buffs (5/6). Crouching tiger, hidden dragon.
Kerpeten & Dauren Coalition low impact is disheartening and makes one wonder what are the roots of none of their suggestions getting through unless supported by other groups. As the reception in the community was warm, probably not enough reach was still the issue in spite of both Dauren and Kerpeten being popular streamers in Western/CIS communities. Given that Shinmiri, Danny and Necrotal are active on Youtube and successful as influencers, maybe more YT presence is the key. While K&D BC was posted on YT, it reached mostly the people who already seen it on Reddit. We hope the coalition will keep work and develop and ignore the fact Gwent players are monkeys; recently Dauren launched a new yt channel!
What New To Try?
Monsters | Plumard Bonded Mourntart with Inspirational Ballad / Plumard Truffle Vampires
Nilfgaard | Witchers Trio Shupe Calveit / Perfect Thinning Witchers Trio decks – Tactical Decision may fit well with trio to add points and extra consistency to control.
Northern Realms | Boost NR with Drummer, Blue Stripes Commandos without Foltest + Defender
Skellige | Rain with Fulmar, Midrange decks with Rage of the Sea leader for free thinning.
Scoiatael | Bonded Handbuff with Mushy Truffle (would be still very weak probably)
Syndicate | Jackpot Bonded Beggars with Caesar Bilzen
Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed this review. Feel free to share your thoughts on Reddit.
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